Lusophony Virtual Museum
Creation of a visual atmosphere for the social media of the Museum and Strategic Advisory for the online channels:
– Update of the Facebook layout;
– Creation of the Instagram layout;
– Proposal of the Digital Newsletter layout.
Tough Question
How do we give a new life and image to the digital channels of the Lusophony Virtual Museum, reinforcing its identity?
What if we create a visual atmosphere coherent and consistent with the previous universe and graphic work, while being able to embody such atmosphere in the various digital communication outputs?
“I could not miss this opportunity to give my testimony about the work developed by the CreateLab team to the Lusophony Virtual Museum that was able to bring a new life and dynamic to its social media. The professionalism, the creativity, the clear communication of the ideas and the understanding of what the Museum represented as a project were always present and visible throughout the meetings and the presentations made by the team. The excellent coordination of this team was also evident – by the exchange of messages regarding the CreateLab team and also by the structured way with which the needed information was shared and discussed. The attributes of clarity, professionalism, creativity, and quality displayed by this team are unquestionable. On behalf of the coordination of the Lusophony Virtual Museum, I thank CreateLab for the commitment of the team and for their excellent work”.
Investigator Isabel Macedo (Coordination of Lusophony Virtual Museum)